Christopher Marsh

My research focuses on the interaction between landscape-scale topography, vegetation structure, and climate, as experienced at the micro-scale. During my PhD, I develop methods to explore how the structure of degraded tropical forest affected microclimates within the forest canopy, and how this in turn affected arboreal primates, with a focus on how climate change may reduce the suitability of degraded forests for these species in the future. Currently, my research focuses on understanding how microclimates affect tree establishment in the post-wildfire landscapes, and how future climate change may affect reforestation efforts.
Selected Publications
Marsh, C, JL Crockett, D Krofcheck, A Keyser, CD Allen, M Litvak, MD Hurteau. 2022. Planted seedling survival in a post-wildfire landscape: from experimental planting to predictive probabilistic surfaces. Forest Ecology and Management, 525:120524.
Marsh, C, D Krofcheck, MD Hurteau. 2022. Identifying microclimate tree seedling refugia in post-wildfire landscapes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.
Bramer, I., Anderson, B. J., Bennie, J., Bladon, A. J., De Frenne, P....Marsh. C & Gillingham, P. K. (2018). Advances in Monitoring and Modelling Climate at Ecologically Relevant Scales. Advances in Ecological Research, 101–161.
Marsh, C., Link, A., King-Bailey, G., & Donati, G. (2016). Effects of fragment and vegetation structure on the population abundance of Ateles hybridus, Alouatta seniculus and Cebus albifrons in Magdalena Valley, Colombia. Folia Primatologica, 87(1), 17-30. Editor's Choice. Free access. Scientific American coverage
Selected Publications
Marsh, C, JL Crockett, D Krofcheck, A Keyser, CD Allen, M Litvak, MD Hurteau. 2022. Planted seedling survival in a post-wildfire landscape: from experimental planting to predictive probabilistic surfaces. Forest Ecology and Management, 525:120524.
Marsh, C, D Krofcheck, MD Hurteau. 2022. Identifying microclimate tree seedling refugia in post-wildfire landscapes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.
Bramer, I., Anderson, B. J., Bennie, J., Bladon, A. J., De Frenne, P....Marsh. C & Gillingham, P. K. (2018). Advances in Monitoring and Modelling Climate at Ecologically Relevant Scales. Advances in Ecological Research, 101–161.
Marsh, C., Link, A., King-Bailey, G., & Donati, G. (2016). Effects of fragment and vegetation structure on the population abundance of Ateles hybridus, Alouatta seniculus and Cebus albifrons in Magdalena Valley, Colombia. Folia Primatologica, 87(1), 17-30. Editor's Choice. Free access. Scientific American coverage